Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Longest Day

You may remember that our intrepid explorer paid a visit to a running race in Adelaide last year.  It was such an enjoyable experience that Gnorman made another trip to a similar running race held at The Mary Peters running track in Belfast.  Our tiny hero loves to sight see and mingle, and with 24 hours to kill he did just that........

Olympic Champion Dame Mary Peters
RD Ed Smith
Watching the first of many laps

The athletes ran through the night
Gnorman couldn't get any sleep
Womens race winner Ruthann Sheehan speeds past

Gnorman cheers on another runner
After a wee nap George woke Gnorman rather early
Gnorman posing beside Dame Mary Peters statue

Gnorman congratultes John O'Regan and Eoin Keith
Gnorman poses for a photo at the prize giving with Don
Belfasts Lord Mayor thought he had seen it all!!

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